Caso Studio: Care’s, web design
Pubblicazione: 2019, Bolzano.
Committente: Care’s.
Autore: hmc. s.r.l.
Marketing management: UEBE
Direzione Creativa: UEBE / hmc. s.r.l.
Sviluppo: Roberto Maiolino.
Ruolo ricoperto: Full stack developer.
CARE’s, a name used to describe our goal; to care and to take care.A project conceived by a chef for the chefs, that gathers wine and food companies and professionals with the same aim: to take care of the environment, the local communities and the rhythm of nature, promoting an ethical and sustainable approach to cooking.
With the chefs’ help, ethical culture can emerge from the kitchen and spark positive changes in our everyday behaviour, from little things to great international game changers.
Culture, seen as in-depth knowledge and awareness, is the vital element that makes CARE’s more than just a meeting place. We conceive it as an opportunity and an incentive to promote worthy, upstanding, ethical practices on a global, social and economic scale too.

the digital identity
Such an ambitious and broad project deserved a structured digital identity. The commitment that characterizes the management of a project like this and the attention to sustainability and respect for nature are able to convey seriousness. There were also the more technical aspects to take into consideration. The website not only had to be a reference for users but also a valid tool for managing and publishing content for those who still have the task of managing communication on the web today.
For this reason we have chosen to opt for a platform known as WordPress, with an intuitive backend but which, thanks to the implementation of site building tools, was performing from the point of view of the user experience. My task, in addition to installing the frameworks and physically developing the structure and design of the site, was to coordinate the team composed of the graphic department, copywriter, social media manager and the marketing director, in order to complete the online phase of the site in less than two weeks. Subsequently I took care of the staff training for content management and data entry, maintaining constant technical assistance.
In a final phase, still in progress, digital marketing strategies have been developed that look above all on social platforms, developing, among other things, a blog that will be populated to improve the appearance of useful content in the in SN mechanisms.

Corporate identity and brand design by Carlo Campagna for hmc s.r.l.The rights of photos and videos belong to the respective photo and video authors
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